Sunday, December 27, 2009

Ginger bread house & zoo lights

So Jeff's parents wanted to take all the grand kids to the zoo lights this year. We went the day before Christmas eve and everyone else had the same idea. We waited in a car line for about 30 min. then a people line for about 30 min. Yes we all felt like a heard of animals there were just so many people and it was a wee bit cold. We did have some fun, but we can say we have done it once don't need to do it again! Thanks Mee and Poppie! Rustin enjoyed it!The huge line to get in. Not fun we stood in it for about 30 min. The whole time I thought I was going to throw up man this pregnancy is throwing me for a loop. Well I held it in until we got home and then it all came out. I thought I was getting over the trow up stage last week but I guess not! The joys I am still excited to have another little one!
Rustin all bundled up chilling in the stroller waiting to get into the zoo!
Tedd,Jeff and rustin watching people ride the camels.
Jeff and Rustin having fun on their ride!

Hawk,Sawyer and Rustin having so much fun putting together and eating the candy as they go to the ginger bread house!Rustin loves his buddies!

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