Friday, June 27, 2008
Swimming Swimming Swimming!
This kid is like a big fish I can not keep him out of the water now. Its all the time mom lets go swimin mom lets go! He has no fear now. I don't now if I think that is a good or bad thing. I am just glad he loves it!
Random Pictures
Who knew that bubble wrap would keep a kid so entertained!
He ate a cupcake from his friends party can you tell. There was nothing clean about it. Well my floors I had just cleaned but they don't stay clean for long as you can tell! You can't get mad at him for making a mess, cause you just look at that face and he makes you melt!
On Dads Day Off
We also went to the dog store of course Rustins had a blast in there seeing all the little puppies.
So Rustin The past couple of weeks has been singing around the house with his toy that looks like a mik. So Jeff decided to get out my kerioke machine and let Rustin sing with that. Oh my heck was it the cutest and funniest thing. This kid can always make us luagh. Lets just say he loves to sing with it every day now!
Monday, June 16, 2008
Fathers Day
So Fathers day I prepared a huge Breakfast. We invited our friends Cassie, Bryan and their cute little guys over. I made waffles with home made buttermilk syrup and strawberry syrup. An egg dish fruit and Cassie made a wonderful dessert. The guys got a full tummy that is for sure. It was a fun day. Thanks Cassie for coming and making as always a good desert! Here is a picture of what we made.
1st Swim lesson
Rustin started swim lessons and is loving every minute of it. I was shocked at how fast he picked it up. I practiced with him the week before. I used to teach swim lesson a while ago so I know some stuff. I wanted to get him ready so he would not be scared and cry the whole time. Well it payed off he is doing so well. He goes under water and kicks to the side and pulls himself up to the wall. It is the so Cute.He has 3 more weeks left so we will see what he can do when he his done.
My Gecko
So are neighbor Brian found this lizard in his back yard. We were in our back yard the same time he was, so he popped his head over and said Rustin do you want a lizard. Of corse Rustin wants a lizard. Brian is Rustins buddy he loves Brian. Every time we go out back Rustin will yell Brian where are you. If brian is out side he will peek over and say Hi. Any way Rustin had a blast with this lizard even thought it bit him he thought it was funny. We had to let the lizard go when Rustin broke his tail off on accident. Rustin was not to happy about letting him go. He asked about the lizard for the rest of the night. We had to say to him the lizard went night night.The love thath this kid has for being outside with all the critters.
Friday, June 6, 2008
Rock The Boat Bash

We had so much fun swimming with Tiff and Talon!
Rustin was headed to go down the slide. Let me tell you that kid would come down that slide like a rocket, and catching him at the bottom was fun. He so heavy and he was coming at me so fast it about knocked me over each time. He loved every minute of it!

Rustin and Talon after we were done swimming. What a cute little bum!
Rustin and Talon after we were done swimming. What a cute little bum!
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